4140.2: Responsibilities and Duties- Non-Certificated

I. Knowledge of Policy and Rule: The employee is responsible to know and abide by all Policies and Rules of Ƶ Public Ƶ. The employee shall acknowledge, in writing, that he or she has received a Policy Document which outlines the major policies for the District and states employees are responsible for knowing all District Policies and Rules In the event such employee is unclear about the Policies, Rules, and/or procedures provided in Policy Document, the employee shall seek an interpretation and clarification from his or her immediate supervisor and/or the Human Resource Office.

II. Days Scheduled to be Worked: Each employee shall be informed of his or her projected work schedule. The District reserves the right to change the work schedule with respect to scheduled days, the hours of work, number of days worked, or to increase or decrease the extent of the work provided in the employee’s job description. An employee’s work schedule is not a guarantee of continued employment nor a contract of employment and is provided to the employee only for the purpose of informing the employee as to the days and hours the employee is to perform his or her duties.

III. Job Responsibilities: An employee’s responsibilities and duties are contained in the job description provided to the employee. All employees may be assigned additional responsibilities and duties as may be deemed necessary by the District.

IV. Hours of Work for Non-Exempt Employees: Each employee or other employees not exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act shall be paid for each hour or fraction thereof the employee works. Each employee is to work those hours as requested by his or her supervisor and as approved by the Human Resource Office pursuant to the following rules:

A. Hours worked are to be recorded accurately on time records issued by the District;

B. Each employee who, with supervisor approval works more or less than his or her normal hours on any given day may be given an equal number of hours off or work an equal number of make-up hours on another day during the same work week if the “flexed time” is equal to or less than two hours per work day;

C. If an employee, with supervisor approval, works less than his or her normal work hours on any given day, the employee will take appropriate leave if the time change is more than two hours in the given day;

D. If an employee, with supervisor approval, works more than his or her normal work hours, the employee shall not take a corresponding equal number of hours off in the same work week, if the time off is more than two hours in any given day;

E. Each employee required to work beyond forty hours in one week shall be compensated for such additional time at the rate of one and one‑half of his or her normal hourly rate;

F. The District does not permit accumulation of “compensatory time” (vacation time) in lieu of overtime;

G. Employee breaks (including, but not limited to, unpaid lunch breaks and paid breaks) shall not be taken during the first or last hour of the work day;

H. Paid break times, when applicable, are as scheduled by the supervisor and may not be used to extend the employee’s lunch period;

I. An employee is not to work more than the hours assigned;

J. The District’s Human Resources Office may grant exceptions to Subsections B, C, D, G, and H of this Section when the needs of the District are best served through an exception.

V. Dress: Employees are responsible for providing a positive professional image to students and the community. If, in the opinion of the employee's direct supervisor, an employee’s dress and grooming do not present a positive professional image, it will be the responsibility of that supervisor to encourage the employee to change his or her dress and grooming habits.

VI. Job Responsibilities: An employee’s responsibilities and duties are contained in the job description provided to the employee. Employees may be assigned additional responsibilities and duties as may be deemed necessary by the District.

VII. Evaluation Process: Each employee is responsible for his/her successful participation in the District’s personnel evaluation process.

Date of Adoption
July 20, 1992
Date of Revision
January 18, 1993
December 15, 1997
February 18, 2002
February 21, 2005
July 12, 2010
September 5, 2017